Buderus was founded in 1731,
Cast iron boiler began to be included in the product range
Junkers applied the shell design to NEA38 boiler in 1928
The factory produced a condens hot water heater in wall hung model in 1985
Bosch Thermotechnology entered Chinese market in 2000.
Bosch air purifier launched in the market.
(中文) 博世舒适科技中国总部基地建成使用
(中文) 德国原产、专为高端用户定制的Condens 8700i W冷凝式壁挂炉上市
(中文) 德国原装进口,博世G8550i W全气候恒温技术壁挂炉上市博世热泵CS5000AWF系列正式上市
Junkers developed gas water heater in wall hung model in 1896
Junkers joined BOSCH in 1932
Bosch's first self-sufficient energy house was built
Bosch Thermotechnology (wuhan) co., LTD was established
Bosch Thermotechnology (Shanghai) co., LTD was established,
which marked the beginning of the production of Bosch gas-heating hot water heater in China in 2011
Bosch brand VRF products launched in the market. Bosch gas water heater with new appearance and gas hot water products launched in the market.
Bosch residential ventilation system launched in the market.
(中文) 颜才兼备暖浴双能,博世G7镜面版壁挂炉全新上市